Monday, August 18, 2014


Family! I love you so very much. I am so grateful that I have you by my side every step of the way. Thank you.

I would love to share with you some powerful experiences: 

(members) Clark Family! Tuesday evening we had dinner with their family. They shared with us about their neighbors and all the different families they have been sharing the gospel with. One particular family is the Mott Family. They have asked questions in the past and the Clark's were able to share and invite this family to different events. Just last night they sent us a text..."An opportunity came up to discuss the Book of Mormon and we bore testimony of it and offered them a copy of the book. We directed them to website and are waiting their response to see if they will accept a copy. I will follow up with them this week. Please keep praying for them and us. Let us know if you have any thoughts to help them out." Wow! awesome!

(members) Mefford Family! After we shared a brief message with their family this past week, they sent us a text ....."We invited the Wilsons to dinner tomorrow but they were busy. Other neighbors coming instead." And then this morning..."I gave a pamphlet to our friends across the street last night." 

Brother Hill (WML) asked that we visit the families whose children will be getting baptized soon! We shared something brief with the Almager family. They already have a list of family and friends they would like to invite to their baptism! 

These members are so great! We can't keep up with the Leon Springs Ward……..My goodness! The list of experiences goes on and on! 

We had a meeting in San Antonio this past week! It was spectacular….. I cherish and try to soak up every opportunity we have to hear from a servant of the Lord. How I love the leaders who serve us within the mission and within the wards and stakes in San Antonio. 

President Slaughter shared with us some wonderful words of wisdom. I would like to share with some of His thoughts. 

One of the great attributes of the faithful is "steadiness" (Alma 38:2; 39:1; Hel. 6:1). This divine attribute is mentioned in scripture, exclusively in the Book of Mormon. It consists of being unwavering in purpose and unfaltering in faith. One who is steady is spiritually stable and doctrinally sound. He (she) is not easily excited or upset; is not quickly offended; does not jump to conclusions. Steadiness is not to be mistaken for steadfastness; these are two different attributes.

Amazingly "steadiness" can refer to being "firmly fixed in one place" like a pillar, but it can also refer to being "constantly moving" like the earth in rotation. Such is the dichotomy of a disciple: he (she) is "firmly fixed" in purpose and yet "constantly moving" in faith. Those who have attained the divine attribute of steadiness are natural leaders. They are worthy of absolute trust from God (Hel. 10:4-5).

Those who strive to follow Christ, strive for the attribute of steadiness. Some become frustrated when they fall short. Be patient with yourselves! Time and patience, and even some growing pains, are a prerequisite to attaining any divine attribute. Allow me to list below a few pitfalls, which you may want to avoid and which may prevent your progress towards steadiness.

Pitfall 2. QUESTIONING GOD. Nothing leads to spiritual instability faster than the tendency to question God, or his servants. Imagine feeling the need to pull over on the side of the highway to question every road sign along the way; it would be a long drive, and you could not possibly enjoy the journey. By the same token, when you feel the need to question God at every turn in your life, you miss the point and slow your progress. Those who have attained the attribute of steadiness, have attained also the ability to enjoy the journey, to go with the flow, to find excitement in the unknown, to rely on the Lord and His wisdom.

Pitfall 3. EXCESSIVE WORRY. God does not walk the hallways of heaven worrying about His creations. He sees the big picture. He understands the plan–of course He does–it is His plan. He understands the Fall; He understand agency; He understands time and patience and faith. The nearer we get to God, the clearer become our views also. Worry is not a gift of the Spirit; in fact just the opposite. Worry robs faith. There are things we simply cannot control; let those things go. Faith and focus will displace all worry and vice versa.

Family I love you so much. Thank you again for all your love and your prayers. I love you. Sister Davis

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